Photos from the 2012 Reunion


Julie Rampone 73, Neil Lark

Ross Kersey 66, Tom Preece 67

John Oram 71, Jerry Pier 70, ___

Kasha Krug 71, Jackie Uttke 71, David Jennings 71

Pat Tommaney 65, Sue Hoerchner 65

Bud Gerber 65, John Cupples 65

Mary Cupples 67, ___

Carol Schmidt 66, Phoebe Sokoloski 66, June Lathrop 66

Bob Tanner 68, Caren Glotfelty 68, Barbara Scott 67, Mary Cupples 67

Nancy Chappell 68<

Edna Turner 67, Yvonne Allen 69<

Nan Woolrych 69, Steven Meyer 69, Christian Jutt 79, Wendi Burnette 71

Jim Ratcliff 67, John Herpers 67

Patti Lucas 74, ___, ___, ___, Rebecca Nelson 65

David Wellenbrock 67, Jim Ratcliff 67, John Herpers 67, Diane Casey 67, ___

Bob Tanner 68, ___, Penelope Cole 68, Caren Glotfelty 68, Mary Cupples 67

___, ___, Laurel Koepernik 69

Phyllis Windrem 67, Pete Morales 67

Carla Norton 76, Carole Nelson 75, Sue Hoerchner 65, Janet Galt 72, Greg Finnegan 67

Jackie Uttke 71, Kasch Krug 71, Flo Schapiro 71, Gail Whitcome 71

Polly Marwedel 67, Jim Ratcliff 67

Phyllis Windrem 67, Pete Morales 67

Doug Haner 65

Stan Bovee 68, Fran Shumaker 66

Stan Bovee 68, Nancy Bovee 66

Ethel Wadsworth 73, Charles Mirviss

Diane Raby 67, Liatris Sweetman 65


Freshman Class Pictures
(1962 - 1972)
Raymond Reunion Pictures Raymond Memorabilia
(Photos, Handbooks, etc.)

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