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Updated August 7, 2019

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Aimee St Georges `74
Bambi (Rideout) Bovee `67
Barbara (Bell) Kroesch `69
Bill Burnside `70
Bill Kenah `65
Bob Fitch `77
Bob Sullens `65
Brad Sanders `79
Carole (Nelson) Somsel `75
Charles (Chuck) Langley `66
Charles Sprague `73
Craig Cowley `73
David Bennett `72
David Jennings `71
David MacMurdo `65
David Wellenbrock `67
Diane (Platt) Casey `66
Diane (Raby) Preece `67
Doug Haner `65
Doug Kroesch `69
Edna (Turner) Devore `67
Edwina (Aquino) Seidel `65
Eileen Schnitger `77
Elizabeth Underwood `75
Gail (Whitcome) Linstrom `71
Gary Grossman `71
Gary Landson `75
Gene E. Bigler `67
Gene Rice - Professor
Goldee Gross `73
Greg Finnegan `67
Harrie (Alley) Walker `65
Hugh Wadman - Professor
Jackie (Uttke) Frey `71
Jackie (Webber) Souther `71
Jane Bryson `69
Jane Humes `67
Janet Kiehn `67
Jay Greenberg `68
Jeffrey Olson `73
Jennifer "Debby" Chown `69
Jim Lynch `68
Jinx McCombs `65
Jim Ratcliff `67
John Oram `71
John Saltnes `77

John Smith - Professor
John Williams - Professor
Kathy Lee '79
Kathleen (Lyon) Windrem '75
Kea Herron `73
Laurel Koepernik `69
Margaret (Schliessmann) Farman `75
Mark Young `71
Mary Lou (Hack) Mongan `66
Michael Penkava `75
Mitch Myers `75
Nancy Bovee `66
Nancy (Chappell) Roberts `68
Neil Lark - Professor
Norma (Stoltz) Chinchilla `65
Patricia (Fremont) Smith `76
Patricia Tommaney `65
Patti (Lucas) Berger`75
Paula (Britton) Sheil `75
Penny Cole `68
Pete Morales `67
Peter Windrem '65
Phyllis (Windrem) Morales `67
Regina (Riley) Peters `70
Rhonda Rawlinson `77
Richard (Leif) Schaffer `67
Ross Quinn `72
Sandra (Grcich) de Alcuaz `73
Sandy (Seabury) Mahoney `78
Sara (Looms) Fitch `76
Shirley Sasaki `68
Stan Bovee `68
Steve Berger `76
Steven Catanich `74
Steven Crouthamel `72
Steven Meyer `69
Susan Olson `68
Susie (Fitch) Kralj `75
Syd Wright `67
Tom Preece `67
Toni Novak '65
Ursula (Swent) Shepherd `66
Walter Alvey `78
Warren Jones `71
Wendi (Burnette) Maxwell `71

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